On 6 Sep 2024, MOM published a press release on their website titled “Revised framework to guide employers and protect outdoor workers against heat stress”. The category range of 32 ≤ WBGT (oC) < 33 was revised to 31 ≤ WBGT (oC) < 33 (see MOM’s infographic below).
Based on earlier press releases (link), effective 1 Jan 2024, “Employers are required to monitor the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) for every hour of outdoor work performed, especially during the hotter periods of the day. Construction sites with a contract sum of S$5 million or more, shipyards and the process industry, will be required to have a WBGT meter on-site for localised measurements as these workplaces are likely to have prolonged outdoor activities. Other workplaces can use NEA’s myENV app to monitor WBGT readings.”
Absolute Instrument Systems (AIS) has installed a number of WBGT monitoring systems to help companies manage their heat stress programs and compliances. Links to AIS WBGT monitoring systems.
MOM's infographic on Heat Stress Measures for Outdoor Work (MOM press release on 6 Sep 2024). For more details, please use this link to that press release.
Talk to us on how we can assist in your heat stress management programs.